I am what I am and I am not what you see
For I am all alone but that is me
I hide in the depth of my saddened soul
I will not feel what someone once stole
for my heart is my own now, its not for you
because you will use it and do what you do
Tell me you like me, tell me you care
you’ll tell me once that you’ll alwaysbe there
To hold me, touch me and make me feel good
Make me feel how a woman should
Until it suits you and you make me cry
so very easy for you to say goodbye
I will not let you get close, closer to me
For I am alone now thats how it should be
It saves all the pain and be judged by you
because thats what men will always do
You dont understand when I make mistakes
And for you one mistake is all that it takes
That doesnt make you better than me
It shows you are weaker and as weak as can be
Do not judge me on what you do not know
Who cares what you think now, go on, go
You drop me and leave me and say Im no good
you made me cry because you knew you could
So leave me alone and say nothing at all
because i will stay happy with no one at all
To make me feel worthless to make me feel sad
it is you not understanding that makes you so bad
I am not the picture you have painted of me
I am good, I am kind, that is who I will always be
You say I have issues and ignore who I am
You are a disgrace and you dont give a damn
Now I am untouchable so leave me be
For you will not get any closer, closer to me
I do not judge and yes I make mistakes
but i give what i have and i rarely take
That makes me better than all that you do
because your a man and you do what you do
You dont listen and you do not care
in my eyes your not even there
I don’t need you, go, go away
I can do this on my own anyway
But I feel lonely and misunderstood
I wish someone would love me
If only they would
But now I am scared to take that step
All those terms that cant be met
The only one who can set me free
The one who will get closer to me
Is the one who will Understand
By Teresa Cooper June 2008