An in-depth look at Don and Candus Wells, facts, statements and theories regarding the disappearance of their daughter Summer Wells
On 15th June 2021
Summer Moon Utah Wells was reported missing from her home. She lived on a hilltop on an 11 acre property in Beech Creek, Tennessee. Her home is surrounded by woodland and creeks.
She lived with her biological parents, mother (Candus), father (Don), maternal grandmother (also Candus, who lived in a trailer on the property around 20ft from the Wells’ house) and 3 older brothers, 8, 10 and 12 (at the time Summer disappeared). The family were regular attendees of the local Seventh Day Adventist Church.
It sounds like an idyllic family home; however, the property is littered with debris, including an old school bus, broken generators, broken down vehicles, rusted oil drums, and various dilapidated sheds. The Wells say they inherited the property from Don’s mother who died around 12 years ago and Don has been building the house single-handedly from that time.
The inside of the house reflects the outside.
The front door leads into a room used by the two older boys as a bedroom. A door to the right of this room leads into the kitchen/living area. There is a television on the back wall, table and chairs, but there does not appear to be any lounge furniture. Also on the back wall is what looks to be a wooden bar around waist height for the average adult. Behind here is the way down to the basement/bedrooms.
Candus states that she has to go down these stairs backwards as it is necessary to crouch in order to enter the stairwell. The way down is dark and there is loose wiring. At the bottom of the stairs is the parent’s mattress, past here to the left, with no door between, is the area where Summer and her younger brother had their beds. The door out of the basement is between these two areas and leads back into the yard. The door has one-way glass, you can see out but not in.
The 15th June
Emergency Despatch to Law Enforcement was released and states: “be in route to 110 one-one zero Ben Hill Road off of Beech Creek it will be the first residence on your right, in reference to a missing 4 year old. The parents have called in and advised that the mother had went for a walk, came home and now they can’t find her, they have been yelling for her, she has been gone for about ten minutes now”.
Candus’ statement to WJHL local news network, refutes that she had gone for a walk “I don’t go on walks around here or on runs because I’m scared of the bears and snakes and even the coyotes that are round here”.
The Despatcher stated, “the parents have called in”. Candus and Don said they were at two different locations, Candus at home and Don at work in Jonesboro 45 minutes away. Did the despatcher delay the call to law enforcement until after a 2nd call had been received? The original calls to law enforcement from Candus and Don have not been released. It is also noted Summer’s age was reported as 4 she is 5.
Don and Candus have stated that when Candus could not find Summer she rang Don to tell him. Don said, “well hang up from me and call the police” we do not know how long they spoke, but given the urgency one would assume that it was a brief conversation.
Don then packed his tools into his vehicle and “got on the road”, ringing the police on route. Candus says, she hung up from Don, ran to her mother’s trailer (20ft away), to get her mother’s phone which had better reception and called the police. Don’s call to police was around 6.26pm, Candus’ call after at around 6.29pm and the despatchers calls to law enforcement at around 6.30pm.
The Police began to arrive at the Wells property at around 7pm. Dons initial statement to youtuber Chris McDonough of The Interview Room states that when he arrived no law enforcement was there. He has since retracted that statement and now admits that one or two police were already on site.
Don has stated to both Chris McDonough, The Behaviour Panel and on a recent interview with youtuber Molly Golightly that Summer went missing at 5.30pm. This does not match the timeframe, working back from the despatch call and the parent’s statements, an estimate of when Summer was last seen would be:
- 6.10pm: Summer last seen going Into house
- 6.12pm: 2 mins later found missing.
- 6.22pm: 10 minute search then Candus to Don
- 6.23pm: Don Packs up and gets on road
- 6.26pm: Don calls Law Enforcement
- 6.29pm: Candus calls Law Enforcement
- 6.30pm? Despatch to Law Enforcement (time not verified)
- 7:00pm: Law Enforcement arrive
- 7.03pm: Don arrives
The Wells believe that Summer was abducted from the basement: Candus: “I feel in my heart that somebody has came up here and took her and lured her away from here”. Don: “somebody was either hiding in the weeds there waiting for her to come in the basement… they (we assume he is referring to Candus and Grandma) were 30ft away when she got gone”.

In the picture you can see the porch over the front door, Grandmas trailer at the back, the basement door opens onto the back of the house and is marked with the red arrow. It is a short distance from the woods to the basement door. There is a trail here which leads down to Ben Hill road, the Wells theory is that this is where she was taken to a waiting car and driven away.
Don: “well we knew, I knew right away that she (Summer) was abducted you know I knew that right away and that’s what I told them (LE) from the beginning but they have to, they have to go through their you know I forget the word they have to do one step at a time I guess but I’m sorry they have to spend so many man hours in these woods and everything, I’ve seen them limping and everything else you know and I feel for them”.
Candus’ first interview with WJHL was on 29th June, two weeks after Summer disappeared.
“Me and my mother and her were planting flowers and we went in after we got done washing our hands and she (Summer) got a piece of candy from Grandma and she wanted to go back over and see her brothers and…
I said okay and I walked her all the way over to the porch and I watched her walk all the way into the Kitchen where the boys were watching TV and I told the boys I said watch Summer I’ll be back and within two minutes I came back and I asked the boys where their sister was and they said “she went downstairs mum to play with her toys in the playroom” and I said okay and I yelled downstairs for her a couple of times and I didn’t get no answer which was unusual because usually she always answers me and so I went down there to check and she was nowhere in sight she was just gone”.
In Candus’ re-enactment of walking Summer from Grandmas trailer to the house she took 10 steps to where she said she watched Summer go into the house and a further 5 steps to the door, where she says she looked in and told the boys to keep an eye on their sister.
Don said: “our biggest fear is you know her being tormented or locked in a dungeon or basement or something, cus she loves she loved to be outside all the time that was her, unfortunately her downfall. Cus a lot of times the boys would be inside and we would be like where’s Summer why did you leave her out there alone, you know, go get Summer now you know and that’s happened over and over again.
And uh we’d come out and she would always be close by but we was always coming out… she had to be outside she was an outdoor person.
As Summer was such an outside person quite used to being “out there alone”, why on that day did Candus find it necessary to hover over her for the 10 to 15 steps it took to reach the door of the house from Grandma’s trailer? Why does Don refer to Summer being an outside person as “her downfall”, she went missing reportedly from inside the house?
Don, June 15th 2021
The Wells have 3 vehicles, Don’s work truck, Grandma’s truck and a brand new bright red Subaru, which had supposedly been bought for Candus, this car has a GPS tracking system known as Starlink.
That morning Don had taken the Subaru to work. Don is a drywaller (plasterer) a mucky job. When Chris McDonough asked him why he had taken the Subaru that day, Don stated that he was paying £600.00 a month for the car and that it was just “sat there doing nothing” so he thought he would get some use from it, the use of this car seems to be unusual enough for his boss to make comment “my boss came by and made fun of me, he says about my car, says using that brand new car for drywall, give me a hard time about that”.
Don was asked by Chris McDonough what he remembered of Summer that morning Don says “she (Summer) was asleep by my side when I woke up about 6.30 or 7am. She had to be by me, she just had to be by me. She loves me to death. We tried to make her sleep in her own bed and she’d come to me with big tears in her eyes and say: “But daddy I want to sleep with you, I want to be with you”. I couldn’t say no, I just couldn’t. For five years, every night”.
In his interview with The Behaviour Panel on 7th October at time stamp 25.00 Don is asked “when was the last time you saw summer? Don replies “that morning when I woke up, because she was sleeping in between me and her mother, I was kinda laying on her foot a little bit”. TBP: “What are the last words she ever said to you?” Don: “I’m not sure if it was that night or not, but I remember clearly, I said Summer you got to sleep in your own bed and she came back with big old crocodile tears in her eyes and she said “but daddy I want to be with you”.
Is it believable that after five years (all Summers life) that, that night they tried to get her to sleep in her own bed? Don says he does not remember what his last conversation with Summer was, but has a clear recollection of this one, why is this one so significant to him?
Don does not remember what time he left for work that morning but says it could have been between 7 and 8am. He can’t remember if he stopped to get some breakfast, although this is his usual routine. Don said he called Candus at around 3pm to find out what she was doing, Candus had said they were running a few errands then going to the Horse Pond for a swim. Don reports that Candus was in the line at Wahlgreens (a drive-thru pharmacy) when this call was made. Based on this call Don decided to work late as there was no point in going home if “nobody was there” (his three sons were supposedly at home locked in the house).
Don received the call that Summer was missing from Candus at around 6.22 (he says he was still at work). “I thought it was 5.30pm but the 911 call says 6.30. 6.26 was when the first call came in”.
He goes on to describe driving home at speed almost “losing it” on the corners and that the journey took him 25 minutes instead of 45. He did not drive directly to the house, but instead passed the turn off to his house and drove a little further down Beech Creek Road to where he has a shed at the bottom of the hill on which his House stands.
Timestamp 27.15 Chris McDonough interview: Don “I figured they was looking all over the house so I went to the shed, I don’t know if I checked it then or later, but know I did go in there and look, but not sure when”.
Don says that when he arrived at the shed he could see his boys at the bottom of the hill by the Creek and a neighbour also out searching. He says he knew right then and there that she (Summer) was gone. When asked why he came to that conclusion so quickly, he says “I knew as soon as I didn’t get a call back from Candus”. However, at timestamp 25.20 of the same interview he says “I was on messenger (a Facebook app) with Candus as she was driving her mother’s truck around looking for her (Summer) in the area. I talked to her (Candus) the whole way there”.
From the timeline the drive home took him at least 37 minutes. He went deliberately to the shed to search, but did not search it or the surrounding area. He says Candus did not call him back, then says they were on messenger and he talked to her all the way home.
When Chris McDonough asked if the Wells’ phones could give more accurate data on the timings for the day, at timestamp 13.30: Don “magically all our phone records from 3.30 onwards on that day have been deleted”.
Candus, Grandma and Summer, June 15th 2021
The Wells’ three boys were left at home alone, “sleeping and watching TV”. Candus: “they’re all locked in nobody can get in nobody can get out”.
Candus drove Grandma and Summer in Grandmas truck. Firstly taking Grandma to the local hospital concerning a knee injury, they arrived here around 8am this is around 30 minutes from their home.
At around 10 to 10.30 Summer and Candus picked up a 15 year old boy named Hunter from his home, these three then visited various shops in the area before returning to the hospital to pick up Grandma, they then dropped off Grandma’s prescription at the drive-in pharmacy, Wahlgreens. They were told there would be a 25 to 30 minute wait for the prescription to be filled so decided to go to Warriors Park where Summer and Hunter went swimming in the lake (this area is known as the Horse Pond).
They were there, according to Candus for around 20 minutes and then returned for the prescription at around 1.30pm, then to the local Priceless (supermarket) for two gallons of milk and a few other groceries (Candus and Grandma went into the store leaving Hunter and Summer in the car, Candus states they were 5 minutes), they then bought slushies at Sonic (a fast-food drive-thru outlet) and returned Hunter home between 2pm and 2.30pm.
Summer, Candus and Grandma then drove home, Summer fell asleep on the way back and Grandma took a picture of her which was posted to Tik Tok with a timestamp of 3.09pm.
Candus states that at the point this picture was taken they were 5 to 10 minutes from home. This would put their arrival home at 3.14pm to 3.19pm. Candus says Summer woke on their arrival (“she jumped right up”), they unpacked the shopping and put it away, did some laundry and then helped Grandma to re-pot some plants.
- 12:33pm: Drop prescription and begin drive to Horse Pond
- 12:53pm: Arrive Horse Pond
- 1.13pm: Leave Horse Pond
- 1.33pm: Pick up prescription
- 1 hour shopping and visit Sonic
- 2.30pm: Drop Hunter home
- 3.09pm: The last picture is taken
- 3.15 – 3.19pm: Arrive home
Don’s statement that he called Candus at around 3pm and that Candus was “in the line at Wahlgreens” when he called is inconsistent, the prescription was picked up at 1.33pm and they had already been to the swimming hole. If Don really rang at around 3pm Candus, her mother and Summer would already be on their way home. If he rang when they dropped the prescription off that would have been around 12.30 could Don have mistaken the time by so much?
Why does Don say there was no point in going home if nobody was there, when the 3 boys were there locked in the house?
The “last picture” shows Summer wearing dark grey trouser and a pink top. When Candus and Summer left that morning Candus said Summer was wearing a swimsuit and shorts (although they had no intention of going swimming that day it was a last minute decision made when dropping the prescription off). The outfit that Summer came home in was said to be a new outfit that had been recently purchased for Summer’s first day of school which would be early September.
We assume that Summer changed into these clothes after swimming, but why was that outfit in Grandma’s truck?

It is also curious that despite being woken early, travelling to the hospital for 8am, shopping, swimming, getting home, doing laundry, planting flowers and going missing at 6pm, apart from a slushie and “a piece of candy from Grandma” there is no mention of any food or drink having been consumed by Summer.
On 18th June
3 days after Summer Disappeared Don Wells gave his first interview with local station WJHL: “She was planting flowers with her mother and her grandmother and she wanted to go into the house so my wife watched her go into the door and she went into the house and the boys were on the internet of course and she wanted to go downstairs and play with her toys so when her mother come in she says where’s Summer she went down into the basement but she didn’t answer so she went down there and she was gone so she went out the basement door which was unlocked and we never seen her since.
It is difficult to discern where the punctuation goes in this statement, however, Don states that the basement door was unlocked, as he was at work and is repeating the story as told to him by Candus why is he so adamant that the basement door was unlocked, when Candus stated she was not sure? In Candus statement concerning leaving the boys home, she says they were locked in “they’re all locked in nobody can get in nobody can get out”. There is no mention in their statements of anybody having unlocked the basement door when they arrived home.
Was Summer Abducted?
At least 13 dogs live on the Wells property. The Wells say they are not their dogs, but strays that have formed packs and roam the area. There were two litters of puppies on the property at the time, one litter under the house in a crawl space by the basement door. When Chris McDonough of The Interview Room visited the property to interview Candus, the dogs appeared from the woods as he drove up the driveway, they all began to bark.
When the improbability of someone creeping on to the property with so many dogs around was raised with Don he said they weren’t there that day. “They go off for days sometimes and come back all beat up and hungry”.
Law Enforcement say the dogs were there when they arrived, as they caused an issue with the search and cadaver dogs that they had bought with them.
Somebody lurking in the woods, could have seen Candus walk Summer from Grandmas trailer and could assume that Summer had gone into the house when Candus walked back alone to Grandmas. However, they could not have known where Summer went after this point. The basement door is one way glass, nobody lurking in the woods could have known that Summer was in the basement, how do you lure someone you cannot see? Whether or not the basement door was locked is not known.
Candus says she doesn’t remember; Don says it wasn’t and that the boys often left it open Don: “we cus em and cus em they just leave it wide open all the time. You gotta keep that locked but they just don’t listen”. Don also stated that Summer could probably open the door herself.
The stranger abduction theory would require split second timing, Candus says “I walked her all the way over to the porch and I watched her walk all the way into the Kitchen where the boys were watching TV and I told the boys I said watch Summer I’ll be back and within two minutes I came back”.
Even if Summer came out of the basement door on her own, the probability that a complete stranger crept up through the woods at that precise time are negligible.
Summer Moon Utah Wells
Summer’s picture and description were posted to electronic billboards around the area.
The picture posted to these billboards was of Summer with her blond hair almost shoulder length.
However, the Wells’ had shaved Summer’s head some time prior to her going missing and despite having taken many pictures and videos of Summer since her head was shaved, a picture was submitted to law enforcement that did not reflect what Summer looked like at the time of her disappearance. The picture was allegedly obtained from the Church that the Wells attend, not the Wells themselves, but the Church were aware of the radical change in Summer’s appearance.
When Summers hair was queried in the WJHL interview Candus said
“she was a tomboy I shaved my head she wanted to have her head shaved like me and the boys did”.
But in the same interview Don said “she (Summer) tried to shave her head in the back and make it uh… I think you can see it in some of the pictures and it was getting out of control so she… we decided to shave her head off and let it grow back long and she (Candus) shaved her head too… so she wouldn’t feel bad and uh but it didn’t bother her at this point.
They also said “she liked to think of herself as a princess and uh… like that like all young girls do and a… she loved Frozen she loved to be that Elsa and…”
Information from Law Enforcement
The TBI state they are looking for the driver of a 1988 to 2000 maroon or red Toyota Tacoma pickup truck with a full bed ladder rack and white buckets, seen in the Beech Creek area Monday or Tuesday who may be a witness.
To date although Law Enforcement say they have received thousands of tips, they have no credible leads, have not found the driver of the red truck, Summer is still missing and “everybody is a Person of Interest”.
She Wandered Off
Whilst it is possible that Summer came out of the basement door and wandered off the property how far could a five year old barefoot little girl travel in that kind of terrain? Extensive searches were undertaken and no sign of her was found.
Animal Attack
Again, the extensive searches and scent dogs would have found some trace of Summer, so this is very unlikely.
She Died in the Car on the Way Back
Hunter reported that whilst swimming at the lake, Summer had gone underwater for a few seconds (Candus denies this happened). This has led to the theory of dry drowning. That whilst Summer seemed fine directly after the incident she had died in the car on the way home. Candus and Grandma had panicked and disposed of her body and reported Summer missing in order to avoid any negligence charges.
This seems highly unlikely, the cadaver dogs bought to the scene on the first day would have alerted to the smell of death in the vehicle.
Accident at the House.
If an accident at happened at the house and Candus and Grandma disposed of her body, again the cadaver dogs would have scented this in either the house or the vehicle used to remove her body. So is also an unlikely scenario.
Abduction by Somebody Known to the Family
Somebody who knew the Wells’, knew the property and was familiar to the dogs would be more probable than random abduction. However, there are still problems with this:
The Wells children were on school holiday there was no set routine to their day, consequently a predator would have to conceal themselves somewhere on the property maybe for hours waiting for a moment to snatch Summer.
If the dogs were around, the chance of remaining undetected would be remote, even if the dogs knew the perpetrator. If we take Don’s word for it that the dogs were not there that day how would the perpetrator know? Would somebody take the risk of creeping on to the property on the off chance that the Wells packs of dogs were not there.
Again, the one-way glass of the door would prevent anybody from knowing that Summer was in the basement.
Abduction by a Family Member(s)
It is a sad fact that Children are far more at risk of harm from family members than from strangers and there are certain factors that increase that risk: history of domestic violence, cps involvement, drug and alcohol misuse, previous reports of child abuse. Don and Candus (and possibly Grandma) each have pasts that incorporate some or all of these factors.
Grandma: Candus Harer
Grandma left the family home when her two girls Candus and Rose were small to live with her female partner, the girls were raised by their father.
Grandma’s other daughter, Rose disappeared without trace around 12 year ago.
Grandma’s brother Warren has been incarcerated for over 40 years for charges including 8 counts of incest with a minor (he has just been released).
Grandma left the Wells property around two weeks after Summer disappeared. According to the family she went to stay with a relative whose husband had a heart attack.
Mother: Candus Bly/Wells
Candus married a man of 41 when she was 19 and had two children with him. Both her husband and Candus were convicted on domestic violence and battery charges. Both the children aged 2 years and 6 months respectively were taken into care and adopted permanently.
Candus is known to use marijuana and alcohol, Don: “she’ll smoke a little bit at night and she has a few drinks and then that’s it, end of Candus”. Don also states that she tested positive for both these substances when they were drug tested on the day that Summer went missing.
It is not known what kind of tests were carried out to determine the substances that were in Candus’ system, however, typical blood tests can detect marijuana in the system from 2 to 30 days after use, so Candus could have imbibed cannabis up to 30 days prior to Summer’s disappearance. However, a blood test for alcohol will only detect for approximately 12 hours after consumption.
We do not know the time that Candus was tested, but if it was within a few hours of Summer being reported missing, then it is likely that Candus consumed alcohol at some time on the 15th June.
Father: Don Wells
As Don has appeared on various YouTube channels we know a lot more about him.
Don’s biological mother and father divorced when he was young. His mother remarried and took Don and his two sisters to a different state with her new husband, Kelly. By all accounts Kelly was a violent man. He was physically abusive to Don and sexually molested both his sisters.
Around the age of 12 Don went to live with his biological father, his new wife and family in Utah.
The day after Summer went missing Don’s stepsister, Jeannie, called law enforcement and reported that Don had molested her when she was 5 years old and that this abuse had continued for 7 years, until she had finally exposed it to her mother and stepfather. Don does not deny this. However, his view is that they were in a relationship and that Jeannie had initiated the sexual contact.
Don was incarcerated when he was around 19 and after that appears to have drifted in and out of prison on various charges including burglary and drug related offences. Don admits to a long term meth addiction and the use and trafficking of cocaine when he was younger.
He was previously married and had two children a boy and a girl. He and his wife were frequently reported to CPS (Child Protective Services). Both Don and his wife were addicted to Meth at this time and the relationship ended.
After meeting Candus they moved to Tennessee and started a family. Don was arrested for domestic violence around October 2020. Don says he threw a bottle after an altercation with Candus, Grandma and another man (Jose) who was at his house when he returned from a trip to Utah, they had all consumed alcohol before the fight broke out. Candus dropped the charges.
When asked by The Behaviour Panel, where the children were whilst this row went on, Don firstly says he does not know, but then admits that they were in the house, probably in the basement. Don was recently arrested for a DUI, his sentencing for this offence will be in February 22.
He also stated that Allyson (Hunter’s mother) had called the welfare on them “she called the welfare on us, I think that’s why the welfare were on us”.
The 3 boys were removed from the family two weeks after Summer went missing. Don stated they were taken because of the danger posed from youtubers and psychics who were coming onto his property. However, in later interviews it is clear that the family’s, chaotic lifestyle, drug and alcohol abuse and the dangerous state of the home were the real reasons for their removal.
Child abuse is an historic factor in the past of both sides of the family, domestic violence has and continues to be a factor, as do drug and alcohol abuse. The family were known to CPS (Child Protective Services), what is not known is what measures were being put in place for the children’s welfare before Summer disappeared.
Social Media
After the interviews with WJHL and The Interview Room, Candus refused anymore interviews, until an appearance on Dr Phil. During this show she was also to be interviewed by The Behaviour Panel, but walked out.
Don, however, has appeared frequently on various channels often in a state of extreme intoxication. Candus can be heard in the background of many of these shows, screaming at him, crying and throwing objects. They also perpetrated a hoax on Mary (one of Don’s stepsisters).
Candus rang her one evening in a state of extreme distress saying that Donnie was being arrested by the FBI, that they were beating him up in the yard, then claiming that he was being tortured by the Mexican Mafia and that they were going to kill him. What they hoped to achieve by this is unclear.
The objective of these appearances should have been to raise awareness of Summer’s case, appeal for witnesses or for the perpetrator to let her go. But Don’s objective has been to clear himself of suspicion and to trash his “wicked” stepsisters who reported how he had abused them as children.
There has been much debate on YouTube channels on whether the molestation of his 5 year old stepsister when he was 12 (for 7 years) has anything to do with the disappearance of Summer? Many believe it is irrelevant and has harmed the search for Summer.
Law Enforcement continue to conduct their enquiries on many different aspects of the case the information relating to Don’s past behaviour has to be part of their enquiry and his stepsister was right to alert law enforcement to it.
Don: “I could never understand why he (Kelly) hated me so much and loved my sisters”. Don’s young mind has confused molestation with love. He still believes that he and his 5 year old stepsister were in a relationship. Has this warped view continued into adulthood? Don: “we (he and Summer) had such a great love for each other I never had somebody love me that much in my life, it’s been awesome between me and her”.
Could Summer’s “But daddy I want to sleep with you” been construed by Don as initiating sexual contact?
Don’s Alibi’s
In his telephone conversation with The Interview Room, Don relates to Chris McDonough that the day before Summer went missing he had fired his co-worker. That the man had appeared to be under the influence of Meth and that after lunch Don had told him to “go home, go home now get the hell of this job and don’t come back. Well, he got mad and he tried everything in the world, and anything he could to get at me get me fired and he called uh my bosses constantly harassed and constantly come out on jobs constantly.
If anybody knew where I was at that time it would have been him”.
This interview was conducted in early August and infers that the only man who can say where he was that day is so vengeful toward him that he would not vouch for him.
One of his more recent interviews on Molly Golightly early November Don claims to have “7 alibis if not more, including my buddy Starlink”. He goes on to say “Candus aint got none she’s going down”. This comment initiated another drunken fight between Don and Candus during the livestream.
In a matter of three months Don has gone from 1 alibi that will not be substantiated for vengeful reasons, to 7, including the Subaru’s GPS system. That Candus has “no alibi’s” would suggest that Grandma and the three boys have not corroborated Candus’ statement.
Summer was often left in the supervision of her brothers and was used to playing outside on the property alone. Candus walking her 10 steps to the house appears out of the ordinary and calls in to question when Summer was really last seen.
One of the most significant factors of the day is that Don took the Subaru to work. Its GPS system would give him an alibi for the day and leave Candus to travel wherever she wanted without trace and implies pre-meditation in whatever happened that day to Summer. It is unlikely that they had decided to murder her, the death of children at the hands of their parents is usually through accident or neglect.
The absence of alert by the cadaver dogs would suggest that Summer was alive the last time she left the property.
The recent involvement of the CPS could have motivated the parents to “disappear” Summer for fear of her being taken away, or the exposure of child sexual abuse which would result in Don’s incarceration.
Another possibility is that Summer was being regularly “rented out” for sexual gratification and that, that day something went awry and Summer was not returned as planned. The instances of historic child abuse in both parent’s families could infer that using children for sex was a normalised practice.
There is also the possibility that Summer was sold outright to a trafficking group operating in the East Tennessee area. The instances of children being sold by their parents in America has escalated due to the recent economic downturn.
The “magical” disappearance of the phone records for Don, Candus and Grandma after 3.30 that day suggests all three were involved in Summer’s disappearance.
The above focuses only on the statements made in various interviews by the parents themselves.
If anybody has any credible information about the disappearance of Summer Moon Utah Wells please call (USA) 1800TBIFind.
Quotes sourced from: WJHL, The Interview Room, The Behaviour Panel, Molly Golightly
Recommended YouTube sites for further information: ; Michelle after Dark; The Summer Wells play list consists of videos and comment almost daily since day 1, discussing information as it became available and forming theories based on these facts.
Scott H Has Thoughts; Information on the local area and child trafficking. True Crime Commentary; Local Man Gives Insight of Summer Wells Hometown.
Contact no2abuse if you have any further information and wish to talk to us in strict confidence
It’s an remarkable article in favor of all the internet visitors;
they will take benefit from it I am sure.
Very Interesting article. If Don sacked his co worker only the day before Summer went missing why did Din state that the man tried repeatedly to get Don fired by calling his boss and turning up to every job Don had from then on ?it was 24 hours how many jobs could Don have attended in those 24 hours and driven home and slept the night ? What does Don mean by every job he was on ?
interesting timeline… so many lies and deception from the parents…if they are breathing they are lying! I hope the S hasn’t suffered.
Thank you for taking the time to comment Keynsham. Do you have a theory on this case?
The behavior of Don and Candus Dearest says everything. Adult bodies with the minds of infants. Their memories are so poor that they can’t even keep their OWN stories straight. Utter chaos.