Church of England interim support schemes Christmas legal threats to survivor of horrific CofE abuse Teresa Cooper
From Zena Marshall, Interim Director Safeguarding Church of England at National Church Institute and ex Police Detective Superintendent. It appears Ms Marshall is gaining a reputation for herself especially when it comes to the handling of complaints by survivors of Church abuse. A woman who likes to exercise her position and power? and not for the greater good as will be seen in the astonishing full publication of her legal threats.
It is Christmas. A time survivors are at thier most vulnerable and in this case, home alone physically very ill with a new incurable rare disease the Church created.
Zena Marshall and Dr. Siu Hei Alvin Lee lead the way. Alvin as he is known to most often operates the anonymous scheme email address (with others when available) and went from a music teacher and pianist to a high profile job within the Church and scheme. He sat and observed in the case of the recently highlighted story of case AB
He has an impressive CV and clearly a rising star with the Church of England.
No2abuse will point out that exposing the way any survivor is treated by the scheme and its employees is not abuse. What is abuse is the way the scheme has treated some survivors. Whilst good has come out of the scheme itself for some there has also been the downside that has severely impacted others and not just one.
- Church interim scheme impacts survivors health
There are too many different occasions where the Church of England Interim Scheme and employees have seriously affected survivor Teresa Cooper’s health so we have included a small handful of images of just some of the different life threatening events brought on by the schemes poor handling of her case right up to the week of Christmas.
We need to remember Teresa has an incurable life threatening rare disease caused by the forced drugging and illegal drug experiments done on her at the Church of Englands notorious Kendall House. She is home alone with no support at all during a killer pandemic and Christmas and suffers serious health problems and complications.
The scheme once again stopped all support for Christmas and didnt honour an accepted offer contract from two months ago. They not only delayed it until January they have added yet more clauses to additional clauses they added after the legally accepted offer. In short they deliberately added hurdles and delays to prevent supporting this survivor and at Christmas. They knew it would cause harm and at one stage led to an internal bleed. That didn’t jump start the scheme into any signs of compassion either. Quite the opposite.

Under the circumstances and all the dangerous events brought on by the scheme and its employees it would understandably upset even the hardiest of people let alone a survivor of abuse going through life changing serious health issues and during a killer Covid pandemic.
Defamatory? Does Zena mean like this? The defamatory and libellous emails were being circulated by the interim support scheme even at senior level to all and sundry in the Church of England from as early as mid June 2021 after case AB. SARs request.

The replies by the survivor was an automatic response to the scheme deliberately withholding the home help and emergency call service for the foreseeable future and Christmas and New Year. The shocking clauses they added to prevent that support is an abuse aimed at causing the survivor as much harm and distress as possible. The scheme incited a reaction then misused the very distressed reaction to hit back at Teresa. This has been going on months not days. The constant moving of the goal post. Their response to an internal bleed in recent weeks is shocking.
To incite a reaction to misuse against survivors is common practice and tactic well used and executed by the church.
Zena Marshall throws her weight around whilst lurking behind the scenes of the scheme paints a dangerous picture. This is one of many highly defamatory and libellous emails of which the scheme sent to many church members.
Not only has Teresa Cooper not been diagnosed with a mental illness in 40 years she has never been treated for one either.
The only time Teresa was diagnosed with a mental illness is when Kendall House FAKED one in order to justify the severe drugging of Teresa and other girls in the church of England care but also to hide the abuse they were raining down on young girls. A clear cut cover up. They went out of their way to discredit the victims of abuse to hide the abuse and misuse of positions and trust. They used the mental health card to hide the horrific abuses going on behind those closed doors.
Zena Marshall appears more interested in the survivor removing herself from the scheme so she doesn’t feel retraumatised by the schemes actions instead of making changes to the scheme to stop the traumatic events that is clearly having a negative effect on Teresa and others. The ex police officer and senior safeguarding person within the scheme acknowledges Teresa is in a dark place yet feels it is good safeguarding policy to hand the survivor a virtual rope to hang herself at Christmas in the shape of a well drafted legal threat.
I detect animosity from the safeguarding officer who shows no signs of safeguarding.
Leaving a very sick survivor home alone at Christmas after deliberately preventing a home help and life saving emergency call service amongst other vital care support is a serious concern and one the Church of England and Archbishops council should address as a matter of urgency.
Recent doctors and therapists letters to the Church interim support scheme made it clear the scheme was causing Teresa Cooper health complications and even created CPTSD brought on by the stress they were causing but the relentless lack of care or support by those willing employees continued. The scheme employees refused to ease off. They in fact stepped it up. When they receive such strong letters of concerns it makes it even more concerning Zena Marshall totally ignored it all and went in with big boots and gave the survivor one last kicking for Christmas.
The scheme is avoiding support and is possibly attempting to drive the survivor out of the scheme because she is a drain on their funds and possibly a vendetta since the exposure of case AB and MACSAS.
It is at the very least serious and reckless behaviour and at Christmas.
The state of mind where a person/s deliberately and unjustifiably pursue a course of action while consciously disregarding any risks flowing from such action.
Marshall also brings into question the Terms of Reference. Pointed out in another article it was inevitable the poorly written TofR would cause problems and be open to misuse by the scheme and its employees. It has clearly been well demonstrated by the senior safeguarding scheme leader and a clear display of the failures that continue to harm the most vulnerable.
If Zena Marshall wishes to throw around legal threats about defamatory comments perhaps she needs to get her own house in order before casting stones.
No2abuse wishes all the scheme employees and schemes self employed a very Merry Christmas whilst they indulge in the festive cheer knowing they have caused such destruction.
They do not ooze Christianity nor good will to all men.
More like a personal vendetta? for rocking the schemes boat and highlighting the failures they do not want exposed.
Shame on the Church of England and shame on the Interim Support Scheme and all those involved in that dangerous game.
I know of this survivor through other groups (careleavers) and one thing she isn’t known for is lying. Survivors need someone like Teresa on our side and not the side of the Judas who will take their ten pieces of silver and betray their own. Wishing you well Teresa Cooper. You are an inspiration to many.
I read case AB and I want to know why that charity put her in that scheme before all of us?
I know a church survivor in that scheme and he didn’t get anywhere close to ABs pay out . I suspect that will be the same for many of us.
Reading this story has left a bitter taste in my mouth.
How can they do that and no conscience at Christmas?
My experience are ones who claim to be Christian are the most evil and vindictive.
The scheme behave atrocious and put this case out as if its AB. A clear case of punishment or hate going on there.
I would tell them to shove it where the sun don’t shine and much stronger words. They know she needs that support so they are using it to get her back for what ever it is they want to get her back for.
They should be paying out in millions for what they done to those women and their children.
Zena is counting the church pennies and if that doesn’t horrify survivors it should.
They are taking us all for a ride.
It IS abuse to do that to anyone and Ms Marshall will have a hard time legally. Any scheme that puts anyone at risk to that sickened degree should not be running any scheme.
Had to LOL at the furry slippers. Polite